Maintaining a consistently positive mood can often feel like an uphill battle, especially in a post-pandemic climate. The stresses of daily life, whether from work, personal relationships, or other pressures, can weigh heavily on your emotional well-being. But the secret to uplifting your spirits might lie in simple, everyday actions. Surprisingly, small shifts in our daily routines can have a profound impact on our mood.

Integrating seemingly minor changes into your daily life can not only enhance your mood but also contribute significantly to overall mental health and happiness. These mood-boosting practices can transform your day-to-day life, bringing a sense of renewed positivity and well-being. Our daily lives are often filled with routines that, while comfortable, can sometimes lead to a sense of monotony and emotional flatness.

In the pursuit of productivity and efficiency, you can inadvertently neglect the small joys and pleasures that brighten your day. Here are five highly effective mood enhancers that are easy to integrate into your everyday life. 

Nature Sounds and Aromatherapy

The calming effects of nature sound like birds chirping or water flowing are well-documented. You should try starting your day by listening to a natural soundscape. Pair this with aromatherapy using essential oils like lavender or peppermint, known for their mood-enhancing properties. This combination can set a positive tone for your day.

Aromatherapy works by stimulating smell receptors in the nose, sending messages through the nervous system to the limbic system — the part of the brain that controls emotions. Integrating this into your morning or evening routine can significantly impact your mood and stress levels. Dedicating a specific time each day for this practice can create a calming ritual, providing you with stability and tranquility in the middle of a busy schedule. 

Color Therapy

Colors can have a significant impact on your mood. Try incorporating bright colors into your environment, whether through clothing, decor, or art. Each color has a different psychological effect; for example, blue is calming, while yellow can stimulate happiness and creativity. Experiment with different colors in your workspace or home. You might find that certain colors uplift your mood more than others.

Activities like painting, coloring, or even arranging colorful foods on your plate can be deeply satisfying and mood-lifting. These activities not only allow you to experience the joy of creation but also provide an opportunity for mindfulness, helping you stay in the moment and appreciate the beauty of the simple things in life.

Laughter Yoga

Laughter yoga combines laughter exercises with yogic breathing, resulting in numerous health benefits, including mood enhancement. It’s based on the concept that voluntary laughter provides the same physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter.

Joining a laughter yoga class or practicing it at home can be a fun way to boost your mood. It helps in reducing stress hormones and increases endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators.

You can start by simply smiling more throughout the day or watching a funny video to initiate laughter. The idea is to incorporate more joy and light-heartedness into your daily routine. When engaging in Laughter Yoga, you often start with forced laughter, which quickly turns into real and contagious laughter. This exercise, especially in a group setting, creates a joyful and energetic atmosphere. 

Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude journaling is a powerful tool for transforming your perspective and elevating your mood. Focusing on the positives in life can significantly shift your mindset from challenges to appreciating the abundance of the good. Gratitude journaling doesn’t just have to be about big achievements or events; it can also include the small joys and wins of everyday life.

Acknowledging simple pleasures like a delicious meal, a warm conversation with a friend, or even the comfort of a cozy bed can amplify feelings of gratitude. The act of writing intensifies the experience of gratitude. Putting pen to paper forces the brain to slow down and process each thought, deepening the emotional impact. This practice can be particularly effective at the end of the day, serving as a gentle reminder of the day’s blessings and setting a positive tone for the following day.

Maintaining a gratitude journal can be a journey of personal growth. Over time, as you look back on your entries, you’ll notice patterns and themes that reveal what truly matters to you. This awareness can guide your future actions and decisions.

Creative Hobbies

Engaging in creative hobbies is not only a means of self-expression but also a potent mood enhancer. When you immerse yourself in creative activities like painting, writing, knitting, or gardening, you engage different parts of your brain, leading to an increase in other feel-good chemicals like dopamine. These activities often lead to a state of ‘flow’, a concept introduced by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, where you become so absorbed in what you’re doing that you lose track of time.

This state is not only deeply relaxing but also immensely satisfying, contributing to a greater sense of happiness and accomplishment. The benefits of creative hobbies extend beyond the moments of engagement. The satisfaction of creating something with your hands or mind can have a lasting effect on your mood. Whether it’s a painted canvas, a written story, a knitted scarf, or a well-tended garden, the sense of accomplishment from these activities is a powerful mood booster.


With the growing popularity of CBD Oil in Canada, people are using this extract every day as way to stabilize their mental health, calm nerves, and provide the mood boost they need to stay cheerful. On top of this, CBD oil can be used to treat symptoms of various health issues, including PTSD, addiction, ALS, and even seizures.

The real secret to using CBD oil to its full potential, is to combine it with any of the above activities. Use the oil to relax your system while you journal, allowing you to drop inhibitions and be more honest. You can use it to enhance the comfort you feel with warm colors you draw onto a page, or the soothing sounds and smells you immerse yourself with during aromatherapy. Whether used as a treatment for debilitating symptoms, a daily supplement, or an occasional pick-me-up, CBD oil is a key ingredient to a happy life.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating these surprising mood enhancers into your daily routine can lead to significant improvements in your overall well-being. Whether it’s through the power of colors, the joy of laughter, the calmness of nature sounds, the reflection of gratitude journaling, or the satisfaction of creative hobbies, these simple strategies can help uplift your spirits and bring more positivity into your life. Small changes can make a big difference in enhancing your mood and overall happiness.